Its been a while and I apoligize. Things are hectic around here these days. I will talk more about that soon.
First, baby talk. I had a dr appt last Thursday. 12 weeks. Had a ultrasound and bloodwork done to check for downs and everything came back normal. Babys heartrate was a strong 151 beats per minute. I have a picture from the ultrasound but Im having trouble getting it scanned it, as soon as I can get it figured out I will post it. The baby had his hands behind his head relaxing and feet up in the air. Uber Cute! My next appt is September 4th, but nothing too exciting is going to happen at this appt.
Madison is in her final week of swim lessons and Im so glad. Im so tired of driving to swim everyday! She is doing wonderfully though and I would say she is now a swimmer. No floaties needed. She knows how to do her strokes and kick her feet and how if she gets tired she can flip on her back and float. Money well spent if you ask me.
School for her is in 10 days. We went last night and she picked out a Camp Rock backpack and a lunch kit that looks like a purse. Its really cute. Christopher got a Cars backpack on wheels and a cars lunch kit that attatches to the backpack.
I wont be fighting the crowds this weekend for tax free weekend....I dont do well with crowds...I would rather just pay tax next week than fight the crowds. So thats my plan for now.
We find out Friday afternoon who Madisons teacher will be. And I am sure Christophers teacher will be calling next week as well to let me know he is in her class.
Lets see...what else....we have been busy getting organized....we think it will make the house function much more easily if things are organized and easy to find. So lots of cleaning and clearing things out. I recently set up a online resale shop that Im hoping to officially launch next week and share with you all. It will mainly be kids clothing, some adult, and even some household items. As soon as I get it up and running I will make a blog post to share with everyone.
Thats all for now from us. Hope you guys are enjoying the last days of summer!
Benefits of Dual Diagnosis Treatment
2 years ago